2023/24 Board Members
Co-President - Andrea Rock
Co-President - Kali Scheidecker
Co-Vice President - Elisa Speer
Treasurer - Heather James
Secretary - Megan Wiles
Want to Get Involved?
We are always looking for new faces to help out. We would like to talk with you to find what you enjoy and feel confident doing. Then find you a position that fits you best.
Feel free to reach out to us at info@prairietrailpto.com.
PTO Meetings
This year, our PTO meetings will be different. Instead of monthly gatherings, we'll have four meetings every quarter. Everyone is welcome to join! Our goal is to share important updates in a concise and informative way. You can find the meeting dates on our PTO calendar and Facebook events page. We're excited to connect with you all soon!
What do we do?
Field Day
Community Restaurant Nights
Family Events
School-Wide Service Projects
Monster Mash Bash
Organize Homeroom Parents
Teacher Appreciation